Circum Tec

See more, sell more and save more with Circum Tec Remote Vending Technology

Call us today on 01273 243362

5 Steps to Greater Profitability

Step 1

Cash Accountability

Complete accountability from machine to counting room. Circumvend allows you to reconcile cash receipts and immediately highlight instances of theft. Full visibility of cashbox, coin tubes and cash dispensed data ensures dishonest employees have nowhere to hide.

Step 2

Item Level Tracking

Track every single product in every single machine to quickly establish what sells where and in what quantity. Item level tracking is the foundation for stages 3, 4 and 5: Merchandising, Pre-Picking and Dynamic Scheduling.

Step 3

Merchandising and Range

Stock machines to match customer preferences, increase top line sales and drive improved margins. Optimise product mix, machine space to sales and product inventory. Reduce stock outs and increase service intervals.

Step 4


Pick stock for each individual machine based on up to date information from the Circumvend telemetry system. Save up to 30% of driver time, fill more machines each day, consolidate routes, virtually eliminate stock shrinkage, reduce stock damages, reduce fuel bills and vehicle wear.

Step 5

Dynamic Scheduling

You decide when to visit machines based on criteria and parameters that you set. This could include cash value in the cash box, machine stock requirements or number of stock outs on high selling products. The Circumvend system interrogates machines in the field and builds a tailor made route based on your criteria. Eliminate wasted machine visits, increase route sales increase collections per route, consolidate routes, increase driver productivity, reduce back office planning time and increase business profitability